Food biotechnology is a rapidly advancing field that leverages biological processes to enhance food production and quality. This article explores key areas within food biotechnology, including fermentation technology, microbial enzymes, and genetic modification. It discusses the theory and equipment involved in fermentation, the role of microbial enzymes in various industries, and the development and application of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). Additionally, the article covers functional foods, including probiotics and prebiotics, and the emerging field of nutritional genomics, which links nutrition with individual genetic profiles. These innovations aim to improve food safety, nutritional value, and overall health benefits, reflecting the latest trends and developments in food and nutrition science.
1. Fermentation Technology
1.1 Theory

Streptococcus, Lactobacillus, and Leuconostoc bacteria ferment dairy products, while Acetobacter and Gluconolactone are used to process vinegar.
Molds or filamentous fungi, including Aspergillus and Penicillium, ferment cheese and produce organic acids.
1.2 Equipment
Fermentation Technology involves the setup of equipment to process the food for the required end product. These equipments are listed below:
(i.) Fermenters
Stirred tank reactors are designed with agitators to maintain uniform conditions, while airlift reactors circulate the medium for aerobic fermentation. Fixed bed reactors confine microorganisms to sustain the process.
Fert-batch fermenters, continuous fermenters, and batch fermenters are two types.
(ii.) Sterilization Equipment
Sterilization equipment contains an autoclave system for high-pressure sterilization processing. The filtration system is set to remove microorganisms. Chemical sterilizers use hydrogen peroxide and ethanol for sterilization.
(iii.) Monitoring and Controlling the System
To ensure optimal conditions, a monitoring system is installed with pH probes and temperature sensors. The controlling system involves programmable logic controllers for temperature, oxygen level, and pH.
(iv.) Processing and Handling
Mixing tanks prepare the media for the fermentation process and ensure uniformity of components.
(v.) Processing Equipment
Processing equipment consists of centrifugal machines to separate microbes from media.
(vi.) Supporting Equipments
Pumps, valves, tanks, and storage vessels are set to treat liquids and other food products. Heat exchangers and analyzers
It transfers heat between the media to attain the desired temperature and control the gas composition, like oxygen and gases.
1.3 Commercial Food Fermentation

Processing milk involves pasteurization, inoculation, and the addition of a starter culture. Setting the media at a specific temperature converts lactose into lactic acid, developing the structure of yogurt.
Producing cheese involves adding a starter culture and rennet, then draining and cutting the curds for packaging.
The bread-making process involves mixing flour and water with a starter culture added for fermentation. Fermentation develops texture and flavor.
Fermentation is used to prepare alcoholic beverages like wine, beer, and spirits. To prepare beer, malt the grains, mash them, and boil with hops. Then, ferment the wort with yeast to convert the sugar into alcohol. For wine, crush the grapes and ferment the juice by adding yeast to convert the sugar into alcohol. Ferment vegetables to prepare kimchi and sauerkraut.
1.4 Effects on Foods
Fermentation significantly affects food’s nutritional properties, texture, flavor, and safety by adding microorganisms. Yeast in alcoholic fermentation produces carbon dioxide and ethanol to develop the unique taste and aroma of beverages like beer and wine. During fermentation, protein is broken down into amino acids and peptides to produce an umami flavor in soy sauce and miso. The flavor develops due to volatile compounds like alcohols, acids, esters, and aldehydes.
Fermentation develops texture. For example, dairy products such as milk are fermented to convert them into yogurt or cheese with the addition of microorganisms. Yogurt and cheese have different textures due to the formal conversion of grouped lactose into lactic acid.
I am fermenting vegetables to convert into pickles and sauerkraut with a developed soft texture due to pectinase breakdown.
Food’s nutritional profile changes with fermentation. Various vitamins and minerals increase in content, and anti-nutrients like phytic acid are reduced, which prevents mineral absorption.
Many fermented foods contain good bacteria for gut health and improve the immune system by enhancing the gut microbiome. Bioactive compounds also increase that inhibit cell damage with antioxidant properties. Fermentation promotes food safety because food acidity increases with low pH and prevents the growth of spoilage organisms. Antimicrobial compounds are developed to prevent harmful bacteria from entering food and make it safe for consumption. Degraded mycotoxins due to fermentation reduce toxicity in food.
Due to microbial pigments, food develops unique colors, aromas, and aesthetic changes. Fermented products have certain health benefits and are a valuable diet worldwide.
2. Microbial Enzymes in Food Biotechnology
2.1 Novel Enzymes & Technologies
Modern techniques advance microbial enzymes, significantly impacting the food, pharmaceutical, biofuel, and textile industries. Scientists develop enzymes with improved specificity, activity, and stability under severe conditions. These enhanced enzymes facilitate fat hydrolysis, starch conversion, cellulose degradation, and protein breakdown. Novel lipase enzymes with improved properties are now used for biodiesel production.
Innovations like protein engineering and metagenomics enhance enzyme capabilities. Researchers evaluate enzymes for required attributes. In protein engineering, they modify enzymes to improve sequence and properties for thermal stability and resistance to inhibitors. Metagenomics involves identifying natural environments, such as soil and oceans, on both large and small scales, including studying the human gut microbiome.
The immobilization technique attaches enzymes to solid supports, enhancing stability, recyclability, and durability. Advanced technologies like high-throughput screening and computational biology test a large number of enzymes to optimize them after identification.
3. Bacteriocins and Antimicrobial Ingredients
3.1 Chitin and Chitosan
These are naturally occurring biopolymers derived from insects, the exoskeleton of crustaceans, and fungi for various renewable resources.

Chitin is derived from glucose, a natural polymer on earth. It is a long-chain polymer and a structural component in the exoskeletons of arthropods. Chitin helps to prepare the cell walls of fungi to provide protection and strength. Its compatibility with living tissues makes it useful for the medical industry. Chitin is non-toxic, so it is safe for consumption. It is used in water treatment, the food industry, agriculture, and the medicinal industry.

Chitosan is derived from chitin; deacetylation removes acetyl groups, leading to polymers made of glucosamine. Deacetylation impacts the solubility of chitosan and its properties. It is soluble in acidic solutions, and its antimicrobial properties benefit the food and medical industries. It is used to coat food because it can form a film. Chitosan is used in various industries, such as cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, food, and agriculture.
4. Functional Foods in Food Biotechnology
4.1 Health, Nutritional Claims, and Regulations

Due to their nutritional characteristics, functional foods have a specific effect on health. These foods contain additional nutrients and bioactive compounds that promote health and prevent disease.
Health claims, such as function claims, risk reduction claims, and therapeutic claims, describe the link between health and food. Nutritional claims describe the absence or presence of nutrients in food. They involve comparative claims that compare the nutrient content of one food to another, and content claims tell the amount of one nutrient in food.
Functional food regulations include strict guidelines to ensure the truth of health or nutritional claims. United States, the FDA regulates nutritional and health claims. For example, the nutrient claim criteria is that there should be 3g of fat per serving on the label.
4.2 Probiotic and Prebiotics

Probiotics and prebiotics maintain the health of gut bacteria, which are gut microbiota or gut flora. Probiotics are live bacteria present in certain foods and provide health benefits for the gut. They protect the digestive tract from fungi and bacteria. They help build the immune system against obesity and other diseases. According to a 2019 literature review, they also help improve psychological health against anxiety and depression.
Gut bacteria produce short-chain fatty acids, aiding cells lining the colon. Probiotics act as barriers to preventing bacteria and viruses. They also reduce inflammation and cancer risk. You would take prebiotic food for effectiveness or probiotics.
5. Genetic modification in Food Biotechnology
5.1 Genetically Modified Food Crops

It’s rare to find food containing ingredients from a GMO crop. GMO crops are used to prepare ingredients Americans consume, such as corn oil, corn syrup, canola oil, or granulated sugar. Only a few fruits and vegetables are available as GMOs, e.g., summer squash, apples, papaya, potatoes, and pink pineapples.
GMO crops are grown in the U.S. to make animal feed. The U.S. Department of Agriculture provides a list of ingredients so consumers can determine whether their food contains GMO ingredients. After some time, food will be labeled as bioengineered because of the New bioengineered food disclosure standard.
5.2 Genetically Modified Microorganisms and the Products
Modern biotechnology plays a crucial role in creating genetically modified microorganisms for medicine, industry, and agriculture. Scientists modify these microorganisms to possess specific characteristics not found in natural organisms. They change and delete specific genes to enhance stability, productivity, and functionality. The pharmaceutical industry primarily uses genetically modified microorganisms. This will lead to the efficient production of more helpful compounds.
GMMs are used to prepare biopesticides and biofertilizers to increase plant growth and prevent diseases and pests.
Genetically modified strains of Bacillus thermogenesis reduce pesticide requirements by producing insecticidal proteins against insect pests. They also improve soil fertility and aid nitrogen fixation in crops.
GMM produces enzymes like lipases, proteases, and amylases for baking, brewing, and dairy processing. It is also cost-effective and improves the quality of food.
5.3 Marker-Assisted Selection
It is an advanced animal and plant breeding process that uses molecular markers to subject desired traits rather than natural breeding techniques. These markers have a sequence of DNA linked to a gene or its regions for required end characteristics. Breeders can trace the traits in the offspring by tracking the markers. The traditional breeding process takes years to reach the results we can find with marker-assisted selection. For accuracy, select the individual with the required traits. It saves time, energy, and space by reducing excessive experiments and extensive population breeding.
Marker-assisted selections make crops disease-resistant, highly nutritious, and yield-enhancing. For example, MAS produces rice that is resistant to bacterial blight and wheat that is resistant to rust disease.
Livestock breeders use marker-assisted selection to enhance milk production, disease resistance, and meat quality. They also employ this technique to improve pig growth rates and mastitis resistance in dairy cattle. In horticulture, breeders use marker-assisted selection for fruits and vegetables, while in forestry, it helps develop trees with a fast growth rate.
6. Nutritional Genomix in Food Biotechnology

These are also called nutrigenomics, which links nutrition with a person’s genetics. They primarily aim to understand how nutrients interact with genetic material and express changes in genes. Healthy diets and nutrition plans linked to a person’s genetic health are developed to resist diseases.
Nutrigenomic testing plays a key role in Food Biotechnology by providing personalized nutritional plans based on an individual’s genetic material and makeup. This helps people understand their dietary choices and reduce the risk of diseases. This test also tells about the variants in the genetic material that cause the deficiency of any vitamin or mineral in the body.
7. Conclusion
Food biotechnology has advanced techniques like fermentation technology that converts food into byproducts. Fermentation technology uses specific equipment. Industries use fermentation to prepare commercial products like cheese, yogurt, beer, and wine. Fermentation significantly affects food, changing its nutrients, texture, aroma, and flavor through chemical reactions. Additionally, scientists synthesize novel enzymes for specific purposes and required reactions. There are food claims that provide a link between health and food.
It primarily talks about the content of nutrients present in food. Scientists genetically modify crops to develop specific traits and produce food with desired characteristics. They also genetically modify microorganisms to process the food and achieve the desired results. Nutritional genomix is the technique to link the genetic material interaction with nutrients in food. Grubiie is providing the article knowledge about the food and nutrition related information with the recent trends and news.