Packaging is an essential part of every industry, protecting and storing products until they reach consumers. Packaging is a source of marketing strategy and branding to maximize profit, but it is also about sustainability and the environment. Different packaging structures are environmentally friendly, and the adoption of carbon neutral packaging is easier than we think.
With the passage of time, we are stepping into the era of losing casual customers for products. People are now aware of what they are investing in their purchases to buy the products. The product packaging is a determining factor for the consumers who think about their purchases.

1. What is Carbon-Neutral Packaging?
The carbon neutral term is confusing to the customers. Many customers support carbon neutral products, but their actual meaning has yet to be discovered. The advanced and easy explanation about carbon neutrality is defined as the balance between emitting carbon and absorbing carbon from the atmosphere, which results in carbon neutrality achievement.
This means that carbon dioxide output has a zero net impact on the environment. Ken Gillingham, associate professor of economics, says, “Carbon neutrality means net zero carbon.”
Carbon packaging involves the packaging system and materials that sustain carbon footprints. Most of the typical packaging methods include materials that produce high carbon footprints, and there are a few packaging methods that consider the sustainability and environment towards carbon neutrality and eco-friendly packaging.
Carbon neutrality is achieved through carbon offsets. Offsets include the activities to combat the Carbon amount. Carbon neutral packaging is an example of offsetting.
1.1 Net zero and carbon neutral

People need clarification on the terms carbon neutrality and net zero; these are two different things. Both of them are related to climate goals. Carbon neutrality involves the offset units that reduce the absorption of greenhouse gas emissions from the environment.
Carbon sinks like forests, soil, and oceans absorb more carbon than they emit. No natural carbon sink can reduce enough carbon to balance carbon amount at the modern industrial level. These are the problems due to climate change.
On the other side, net zero is a term that focuses on greenhouse gas emissions and is removed on a global scale. The carbon neutral goal is to balance the gas emissions, whereas net zero focuses on the complete removal of gases produced.
2. Plastic Replacement

Petroleum-based traditional plastic packaging stays on our planet forever and causes pollution. Pollution in the ocean is a problem that our planet is facing today.
Packaging solutions have become prominent over time because of climate change on our planet. It is impossible to eliminate plastic, but redesigning it as carbon neutral packaging could be a great solution and be acceptable to customers.
3. Benefits of Carbon-Neutral Packaging
- Carbon-neutral packaging contributes to environmental conservation by offsetting emissions and usage of packaging that includes eco-friendly materials and sustainable sources.
- Neutral packaging can reduce carbon footprints in the process and remove activities that produce high emission levels.
- Carbon neutral packaging can enhance the reputation of the brand. As you know, consumers are more aware of climate change and sustainability at this time, so they would like to purchase from brands that are taking eco-friendly steps and contributing to helping the environment.
- Carbon neutral packaging is cost-effective so it can save you money. This is because carbon neutral packaging is designed in such a way that it involves smart packaging to store more products in less space and reduce storage, shipping, and transportation costs.
- Carbon neutral packaging is certified by PAS 2060 and internationally recognized by BSI for its carbon neutrality.
4. Material for Carbon Neutral Packaging
4.1 Aluminum
Aluminum is an effective barrier and is good for carbon packaging. You can reuse or recycle aluminum, which has a lower carbon footprint. Because of its lightweight, it is easy to transport. Aluminium emits approx. 0.5 tons of CO2 per ton of aluminum, according to climate change.
4.2 Cardboard and paper
Both of the cardboard in the paper are used in a wide range of industries, including retail industries and food or manufacturing industries, which are derived from trees, which are renewable resources. These materials don’t have any leakage, wastage, or harmful dyes and don’t need oil for their preparation. These are lightweight, promote recycling, re-usage, and ease of transport, and reduce the cost of transportation.
4.3 Glass
The cosmetics and food industries use glass because it is non-toxic, non-porous, and safe. Recycling and reusing glasses repeatedly extend their life. It requires a large amount of energy and has a large carbon footprint.
As you know, glass is heavy and fragile, so it causes transportation problems and increases emissions. Some conditions prevent recycling glasses due to the need for special equipment and high costs.
4.4 Plastic
Plastic is one of the most well-known packaging materials. Several industries use it, from medicine to health care, food, beauty, and more, due to its adaptability and durability.
In April 2022, the UK government introduced a plastic packaging tax so industrial businesses could use recycled plastic instead of non-recycle plastic package material. They should use up to 30% recycled plastic packaging material. The CIEL’s 2018 life assessment concludes that plastic has a lower carbon footprint and emits 3.5 kg of CO2 per kg of plastic.
5. Ways to Implement a Carbon Neutral Packaging
5.1 Evaluation of impacts

i.) Calculate the carbon footprints
- What are the carbon dioxide emissions sources that rely on fossil fuels?
- Collection of data
There are general carbon footprint calculators available on the internet that will be able to help you figure out accurate data.
ii.) Perform competitor analysis
Through competitor analysis, you can learn about your competitors and the achievements required for your company. It will help you to create more useful ideas for improvements.
iii.) Collaboration with other supply chains
Companies must ensure that the suppliers they work with have carbon neutral strategies implemented to gain sustainability across the supply chain.
5.2 Decide goals and strategies.
- What type of specific material do they want to decrease in their packaging?
- How much reusable and recyclable material should be used?
- How much will carbon footprints be reduced?
- What type of packaging (primary and secondary packaging) should be?
- What are the offset projects for carbon combat?
5.3 Ensure the sustainability and value of the brand.
If the sustainability and value of the brand increase, it will directly impact the customers. Right training of employees and efficient product packaging increase profit and productivity.
5.4 Check the system of automation and machines.
Water-activated tapes are more efficient than manual tapes and reduce the need for plastic. Machinery with renewable energy works with more sustainability than machine that works on fossil fuels.
5.5 Don’t ignore plastic overall.
Not all types of plastics are bad. Recycled plastic is cost-effective, versatile, and has lower carbon footprints than virgin plastic.
5.6 Deal with zero net couriers.
Businesses and companies should have partnerships with zero-net couriers who ensure their transportation works with carbon-neutral implementation.

5.7 Education of customers recycling or reusing packaging
Companies should give their employees the right training about recycling, reusing, and repurposing packaging. The company should clearly print a recycle logo with instructions on how consumers can recycle or reuse the packaging.
6. Conclusion
Carbon-neutral packaging combats the carbon amount in the atmosphere, and its primary goal is the global fight against climate change. It meets the customer’s requirements and is more acceptable packaging in this modern age. Click here to hunt through more articles related to food.